+91 - 9322831757 admin@apspl.in

Outsourced Services

  • Accounting Services
    1. In House Accounting
    2. Remote Presence Accounting
  • Taxation Compliance Services
    1. Income Tax and TDS
    2. GST payments and Return filing
    3. Profession Tax payment & Return Filling
  • Legal Compliance Services
    1. Drafting of Purchase / Sale Deed for removable property
    2. Memorandom of Understanding for mergers, joint venture etc
    3. Drafting of partnership deed
    4. Drafting of trust deed
    5. Drafting of minute of companies meeting
    6. Maintance o f statutory register under companies act
    7. Drafting of Affiduate undertaking
    8. Filling of returns under the fema act
    9. Any other legal compliance service as per laws applicable in india
  • Human Resource and adim mangement outsourcing service
    1. Payroll processing
    2. Leaves management
    3. Recruitment assistance
    4. Exit interviews
    5. HR training
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